1968 | Congress Creates the National Flood Insurance Program
1969 | Hurricane Camille (Cat 5)
1970 | Biloxi receives 1st FIRM
( Flood Insurance Rate Map)
1970 | Cameron receives 1st FIRM
( Flood Insurance Rate Map)
1978 | Calcasieu receives 1st FIRM
( Flood Insurance Rate Map)
1979 | Hurricane Frederic (Cat 3)
1985 | Vermilion receives 1st FIRM
( Flood Insurance Rate Map)
1985 | Hurricane Elena (Cat 3)
1990 | FEMA Creates the Community Rating System
1991 | Calcasieu joins the CRS program
2002 | Hurricane Lili (Cat 4)
2005 | Hurricanes Katrina & Rita
1996 | Biloxi joins the CRS program
2008 | C-HOST User Group Established
Coastal Hazard Outreach Strategy Team